Sunday 22 June 2008

What was i THINKING?

Yeah I know I'm a pharmacy graduate and has gracefully (I know I know...) upheld the Law family-name and expectations; Yeah I know I've been succesfully striking a balance (I know I know...) between playing-aimlessly and studying high technical pharmacy-related syllabus; Yeah I know I've been brought up to be kind (I know!) and modest (I also know); And I too know that I'm active in sports and at the same time is not nerdy;

Oh I'm such a wonder person..

How can a person described as above, actually did what I did yesterday night? I guess it's bad enough that if this was to be in Malaysia or during the ancient-China days, I would be executed for protrayal to the general public. This will be the time where the auntie and uncles tell their daughters to not repeat after me.

Yes yes... I brought a stranger guy home for the night.

Wait wait wait!! It was as bad as it seemed. This guy was someone whom I met during our part-time work in Hampden, Glasgow's national stadium, the place where the Jon Bon Jovi concert was held. It was thanks to him that I managed to come home at 1am instead of the expected-3am. At the end of the concert, we left together with the dispersed crowd who formed the 1.5km-long queue to the train station. HELL! THERE WAS NO WAY I'M GOING TO WAIT THERE WITH THE GLASGOW RAIN AND WIND!

It so happened that he claims that he attends the college around that area, which has an exit that connects directly to the train station. i.e. he suggested that we take that route that cuts through the college in order to skip the queue. I went along with that suggestion.

So this was what happpened:-

#1: We casually went passed the 1.5km queue.

#2: We came to a dark alley.

Ain't real copy: This is the closest google-image that I can come up with to illustrate the scene.

#3: I slowed down with hesitance.

#4: He, who was holding my umbrella back then, saw my disbelief at the sight of the dark alley.

He then said: "Whoa whoa whoa... I'm not like what you think.. Not me Not me! Don't worry". So the truth was that nothing happened, and we happily cut the 3hr queue.

In the train, he mentioned that he'll be spending the night in the open as the earliest train back to his place is at 6am. So I said, "perhaps..... I...... can do something about it." He immediately looked up as if there was a ray of hope. How could I possible turn him down?

So there you go. I knew it was only Li Ping in the birbeck flat yesterday night, and I brought him there just for a few hours of shelter. I even brought him to Tesco Metro so that he can buy something to eat before bedtime.

Indeed he was a nice guy. But can you imagine if something really were to happen? I think I would be the headlines of THE STAR:

"Brilliant, gorgeous, kind, articulate, outstanding pharmacy-graduate in Glasgow, Scotland was so stupid to have allowed a stranger to lead her into through a dark-alley followed by the invitation into her flat. It is such a pity that she studied so much yet is so naive and stupid. Might as well donate the money to charity or to buy a property, right?"

And if you've noticed, I've been using "him" all the while, as I only knew his name when we were in Tesco Metro. His name is Phillip. Here's a representation of him:- I'm using Hugh Grant as my "standard" since they're both from the same continent: UK.

Yeah larh I know might as well don't use that picture at all right?? Yeah larh what was I thinking? Kononnya smart and beautiful (that one add my self one larh).

1 comment:

ti3nD said...

wahhh that day when u spoke to me about the 1.5km long queue, rupanya got a big story behind it.

will probably kepoh abit more when i see you tmr morning. lolz.

butbutbut. i wouldnt take the risk. better be safe than sorry next time.