Wednesday, 23 January 2008


Finally... after the gruelling 14+1 (last day for me to prepare NMR tubes out of my "novel" anti-TB drug) days, I'm now FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from lab coats which now stinks like longkang, blue gloves, scuba-diving-lookalike goggles, steel spatula, weighing boats, weighing that counts up to 0.0001 decimal place (tell me about it), water bath at 75C, cooking my silky hands above steam for holding my reaction flask for the entire day above the water bath, waiting for crystallization to happen, collecting the crystals, drying them, desperately scrapping products out with the intention to obtain maximum yield (oh yield yield yield yield!!) to the extent of damaging all the filter papers ETC ETC ETC ETC!!! Ghee i might as well submit my blog post as the draft of my experimental methods?! kaka.

Anyhow, I'm just super glad! Not only the lab sessions were intensely grueling, but my anhydride compound which we were suppose to perform esterification with....STINKSSS!! Oh my gosh... you cannot imagine the stench! Both suannS (khoo and eng) in my group have got their's smelling like intense strong acid; Hansel has got his smelling like cat-shit/ cat-corpse; while Geok Ying has got hers smelling like INTENSE puke! It was so bad that she began to stink like intense puke by just shoving her arms into the fume cupboard to label her materials! yewwwww!! While me and Voon yuen's are just a compilation of all the smells... wanna smell?

So bla bla bla and all the yew yew yew.... finally.... we've got our "supposedly" novel anti-TB compound! Original, yet to be found in literature, super potent, ZERO toxicity compound anti-TB drug molecule!! Mine happens to be a pivalic ester, and it actually crystallized!! great, now i'm going to sound like i'm speaking Greek to those who ain't my group members.... sorry sorry.. OK tuning back to english!

*a picture speaks a thousand words.. what more.. I have lots of it!*

Shall keep this in my "treasure box" and will present to WHO when the world has gone to absolute-resistance towards current TB drugs.
Phuay Fhern: the Nobel prize winner~~~~~~~~~ *proud*

My creation: Pivalic ester that mimics the claimed-characteristics of thiolactomycin, TLM, a potent anti-TB drug.

In lay man terms: that means i'm trying to produce adidas sneakers at pasar malam price! Erm.. suddenly my work doesn't sound that great anymore...........*depressed*


Unknown said...

oh my god.. i just got to know that u hv ur blog here so long ago.. sorry for not paying a visit earlier, hehe

labs were tiring but fun.. i guess i would miss those days...

cheers and gambateh together for the method draft ~~

=Angela Millar= *wahaha, selene gave me the name de, i didnt perasan*

Brian Lee said...

eh..u sure those things got no side effects ar?

later become I am Legend

lolz kidding.

phuayfhern said...

Yeee? I thought you're "auntie angela" yeh... now got "Angela Millar" summore!!!

mmm.... nice family name for the kids! *blue eyes*

But dear, their hair-colour won't be very outstanding larh... Coz he's a brunett!!(Think he grew the itsy bitsy little hair to keep warm during winter) plus your shinny, healthy black hair... mmmm not much difference leh...=P *hugz*

phuayfhern said...

Jiok, as my best pal around, will sure (choi choi choi touch wood!) spare some of my "active ingredients" if u ever (choi choi choi) need it (superrr CHOI!)