Monday, 3 March 2008

ByeBye Spring/Summer 08

Just when I thought the Winter blues are all coming to an end, Glasgow greeted me with a snowy and chilly morning! Bye bye sun bathing. There goes all my fantasy of sun bathing beside a gorgeous tan-skinned macho man....

I'll see you much much later ok?

Hello Winter... my old friend.. yish yish yish!

What are you doing here larh!! yish yish yish!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

ZERO appreciation for modern art...

Ok... ok ... I admit! I'm just not a modern art girl! But see whether you agree with me larh! Before I start, better say sorry to Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art.. I remember most of us were doing the "ooohhhh.. Arhhhhh!!" at the sight of this gallery since arrival in Glasgow. Guess what... it's FREE!!!

Glasgow's famous Gallery of Modern Art at the Royal Exchange Square (night)

Perhaps I should just appreciate the outside and stop visiting the entrance of this gallery.

I still can accept this: Yeah... Modern art.....(cracked face)

Monkey, alone : you'll find it in any Malaysian Zoo for RM10
Handcrafted Photo frame, alone: you'll find it in Lovely Lace for RM49.90

Monkey plus handcrafted photo frame: Modern art. Priceless...

Cactus, alone : You'll find it in Sungai Buloh nurseries for RM5 for 3.
Socks, alone : You'll find it in soxworld for RM10 per pair or pasar malam for RM10 for 3

Cactus plus socks: Modern art. Priceless...

Sock monkey: you'll find this in the Gallery's souvenir shop. 3 pounds.

See how ironic modern art can be? I still prefer knowing these objects in their own un-fused forms. Does that make me such a spoiler? Who cares?! Well, perhaps it's better that I resort to my binge eating of cornflakes and chocolates infront of Desperate Housewives.